The Japanese NoFace rice bowl, tea cup & chopsticks
A rice bowl with a holder for chopsticks. Did you know it is impolite to stick the chopsticks into rice like stakes in the ground, so it reminds of the incenses in a temple lit for those who passed? This rice bowl, which has dedicated notches for the chopsticks, was inspired by the Hayao Miyazaki’s NoFace figure from “The Spirited Away”. NoFace is a deeply Buddhist character, envisioned by Miyazaki-san to bring awareness to the unnecessary over-consumption which underlines our society. A simple bowl of rice is the answer to this unnecessary consumption.
The Elephant Cup
This elephant cup is inspired by the visions of “pink elephants”, which in some cultures refers to an extraordinary perception associated with higher states of elation and euphoria. In short, it simply reflects my love for a good morning coffee, as well as my love for children and elephants.